PICTURES: Criss Waddle's Ex Girl friend "MARY WADDLE" has grown up beautifully. Check her BIG BOOTY and Newly DYED HAIR on display in these NEW photos

Mary Obeng invariably recognised as "Mary Waddle" has been behind the scenes for a while, toiling pertinaciously on oodles projects soon to hit your screens.

The young adroit and heavily endowed starlet and model as it stands has featured in multifarious Movies and TV series yet to be premiered; and several music videos including kumawood poster boy, Kojo Nkansah Lilwayne's "Obumpa", " okukudofour" "does I care"  just to name a few.

It has been conjectured of late by some industrial players that there MIGHT be an affinity between the promising actress and Kumawood's very own Liwin due to the affable relations between the two but there's no proof to that. So should we effectuate the adage that "in every rumour there's an iota of truth" here?

Mary keeps ballooning beautifully day in day out without any blemish.

You might not be able to identify this lady should you meet her on a foreign land due to how crazily she has developed in her physique.

Check Mary's junoesque body and dyed hair on display in these mouth-watering photos just for your viewing pleasure porn movies sex videos hd porno video