SHOCKING: Eagle Prophet Mysteriously Reveals The Cause Of Amissah-Arthur's Death

July 4, 2018

Amissah-Arthur & Atta Mills
Dr. Kwame Nkrumah

Death is something inevitable which no man will elude. The Bible says, It is appointed unto man to die, but loved ones are left brokenhearted upon hearing news about death. 

Though death chooses whom it wants, when and how, but some deaths are perceived to be destined while others aren't.
When one dies at an appointed time, it's being considered a blessing; but tragedy is when one dies untimely. 

In less than a decade, Ghana has witnessed mysterious deaths of two prominent politicians all from the central region, which were presumed to be predestined. 
The deaths of Former President Atta Mills and Former Vice President, Amissah Arthur as it stands remain uncomprehending by Ghanaians.

Prophet Reindolph Oduro Gyebi, 'Eagle Prophet' as called affectionately, the General Overseer of Kumasi-based God's Crown Chapel has made a shocking revelation on EIB's Abusua 96.5FM in Kumasi regarding the cause of the deaths of the aforementioned former president, and vice president.

On Monday, July 2 2018, Prophet Oduro Gyebi stated categorically that, there is a demonic covenant with the gods which was made by the first President of Ghana, Dr Kwame Nkrumah in favour of the Central Region. 
"In Dr Kwame Nkrumah's pursuit to make the Central Region home of prominent politicians in Ghana, he made a covenant with the gods but unfortunately, the price he paid was evil. The lives of prominent politicians from the central region would be taken as they grow powerfully in the country. Dr Kwame Nkrumah did this out of the abundance of love he had for the central region." he revealed.

According to the Founder of God's Crown Chapel, if this covenant is not terminated, many lives would be lost painfully.

He further cautioned the Founder of Progressive People's Party, Dr Paa Kwesi Nduom to pray vigorously to avert any demise of this calibre.

READ ALSO:President Akufo-Addo Is A One-Term President – Eagle Prophet

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