Pick No Money From The Floor As A Heavenly Gift From Now Till December Or Else... - Eagle Prophet Warns

November 5, 2018

Eagle Prophet on Abusua FM

As we swiftly approach the end of the year 2018, the devil and his demonic forces have risen energetically to devour countless lives in order to satisfy their annual devilish requirements.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy...."
John 10:10a

Contrarily, the good Lord whose grace and mercies endure forever, and loves His own regardless, exposes, terminates, and delivers His own from the manipulations and machinations of the evil one by speaking through His Prophets.

"...I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
John 10:10b

Eagle Prophet real name Reindolph Oduro Gyebi, General Overseer of God's Crown Chapel situated in Ahodwo-Daban, a suburb of Kumasi in the Ashanti Region has cautioned Ghanaians and the world entirely to avoid picking strange monies as Heavenly gifts from the ground from now till the end of 2018, as directed by God.

Prophet Reindolph who's well known for his vivid and accurate National and personal prophecies, without mincing words stated that, the dark world has orchestrated to devour many great destinies and claim lives as well before the year ends, by spreading demonic monies on the ground at vantage areas hence, thwarts and terminates destinies and lives of people who fall victim by picking such devilish monies from the floor.

Eagle Prophet on EIB Network's  Abusua 96.5FM last Monday during a weekly program dubbed 
"The Eagle Hour" said,

"In a vision, the Lord took my spirit to a demonic gathering at a cemetery which involved white people and blacks, who were all in black robes with red girdles around their waist, holding pots containing money and sword. After they conjured some magic, they carried the money and spread them universally at market places, schools, bus terminals etc....."

Watch Full video below:

READ ALSO: JUST IN: Part Of Accra Mall Ceiling Collapses, Confirms Eagle Prophet's Prophecy?

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